Hi, during the day I work in IT, but in my spare time I love to cook, eat, drink, photograph, walk on the beach with my dog and my Darling Boyfriend (the DB), relax in the spa at night and look at the stars.
This is my blog, it’s mainly about food, cooking and my successes and disasters and then anything else I care to share.
I live in Tasmania and am very lucky to have access to loads of fresh local produce to cook with. I love cheese, bacon, lemon and chocolate, but not all together.
I live on a bush block with the DB, his two children (B1 & B2), one grumpy old cat, two dogs, 7 chooks and far too many possums.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I am enjoying writing it.—————————————————————–
The above was me when I started this blog. Lots have changed in the last few years. While I still love to cook, eat, drink, photograph, walk on the beach with my dog and my Darling Husband (still the DB as he was not very impressed with being called the DH…..), relax in the spa at night and look at the stars. Due to a few other things changing, I have a lot less time for the above.
I no longer work in IT. I am now an apprentice chef, doing the hard yards so I can learn the ropes. “living the dream” as some would say.—————————————————————–
I have completed my apprenticeship and they have let me loose in the big wide world. I am lucky enough to now be running a restaurant/cafe/bar and learning all the great things that come with that. I spend less time cooking and more time in front of the computer doing rosters and “paperwork” but I am not complaining. I have a great team and hope I can stay here for awhile.
Once again the world is turning and things change. The restaurant life doesn’t allow for a great work/life balance and I spend too much time cooking what other people want.
So, it is back into the corporate world and back to doing what I did well before and that allows me to now focus on exploring what I want to cook and spending more time with the DB and the dogs.I will now be able to rest easy in the nursing home and not lament; “I wish I had tried that cheffing thing”. My qualification has been gained and I know a lot more than I did then, both good and bad, but at least I can say I gave it a red hot go!
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